Dal 2020, faccio parte dell’Human Resources Council di Forbes e sono l’unico contributore italiano per Forbes HR Council.
How To Respond To The Great Resignation: Attracting And Retaining Talent
The world of work has emerged from the pandemic with some unprecedented, paradoxical and...
Hybrid Working Models: Why Employees’ Well-Being Must Remain A Priority
This is a time of great uncertainty. After showing great perseverance and adaptability during...
How To Implement A Flexible Work Policy Without Losing Productivity
After the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the number of people working from home increased...
New HR Scenarios For 2021
We are witnessing the advent of a new cultural era that is transforming the way we think about...
Between ‘Phirtual’ And ‘Nework’: New Priorities For HR Managers
In an inevitably changed future, companies will need to be among the first to adapt to...
Corporate Social Responsibility Is Not Only Ethical, But Also A Modern Business Tool
A company's annual balance sheet is no longer the most important document of the year. Or at...
Degrees Are Not Enough: Specific Knowledge And Specialist Skills Will Prevail
The development and improvement of interpersonal skills among workers is a key factor of a...
The New Challenges For Human Resources In The Pandemic Era
After the Covid-19 pandemic tore through China, another country was quickly hard hit, and that...